

If you are looking for a spiritual, life-impacting, suspenseful, edifying and simple Christian novels, you are on the right page.

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New Release

Operation J10:10

Read Operation J10:10 to find out what happens when two kingdoms are at war over a soul.

The word freedom lightens every gloomy and imprisoned soul. Yet, freedom could be the fastest path to bondage. How so? There is a way that seems right to a man but the end of it is destruction (Proverbs 14:12). 

Jude is an agile, attractive and intelligent young man who decides to live in the moment. His chosen path takes him on a strange journey into the supernatural. In the unacquainted world, Jude encounters fear, uncertainties, betrayal, torture and pain. 

David gets the arduous responsibility of rescuing Jude from the snare. He embarks on the expedition that exposes him to more than his expectation.


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Hidden Shackles

Sade Aderoju is a young lady who is passionate about God. She lives with the sole purpose of fulfilling God’s mandate for her life until she meets Lanre, God’s perfect will for her in marriage. Her life direction and passion takes another turn. A lot of lives are attached to hers. Her purpose is to break shackles of lust, sexual immorality, abuse, unforgiveness, guilt and more in her generation but she finds herself entangled in the midst of them.

Did she come out of the entanglement? Could she break away from the shackles holding her? What happened to the shackled souls around her? 

Read Secret Shackles to find out how strong and hidden some chains could be.


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Fully Alive: My Struggles

A person’s state of mind goes a long way to define who you are. Caroline Jegede is a diligent, intelligent, and highly talented young lady. She works in a company as a department head as her personal life appears perfect. Despite her feats and positive impacts on the lives of those who surround her, she has an issue that her friend, Sola, calls pride. Caroline could not bring herself to understand why her bosom friend betrayed her by giving her such a mean and strange title.
An unusual event makes her realize Sola could be right about her. She is indeed suffering from disguised pride. What is that? A supernatural encounter comes Caroline’s way that launches her into the realm of discovery and destiny fulfilment. Do you have trouble going beyond average? Are you afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone to live to your full potential?
Read Fully Alive to discover how to overcome disguised pride and develop healthy self-esteem.
