Hidden Shackles 6

EPISODE 6 – The Distraction

“You know you need to concentrate more than you are doing. You are all aware that the raw materials are not easy to come by these days, as we have to contact the manufacturers abroad countless times before getting our supply.” The production manager said as he stood at the entrance of the laboratory.

There were three pharmacists in the room. Two were working together on an apparatus and they knew, the manager couldn’t have been referring to them. They both turned in the direction of the third person in the room.

“I’m very sorry sir, I didn’t realize the solution had spilled” Lanre said, having come back to reality as he was initially lost in thought.

“Pharm Lanre, I wasn’t expecting this carelessness from any of you, especially you. What if the solution was acidic or toxic in anyway? You would have endangered your life, those of your colleagues here and probably the lives of everyone in this building. Please see me in my office in an hour.” Manager Marcus told Lanre

“I’m really sorry sir. I’ll be more careful next time” Lanre pleaded, feeling bad already

“It’s alright. I’ll be in the conference room for a short meeting with the board members on the new chemical products we bought from Germany”

“Ok sir” They all echoed

The manager left the room.

One of the two chemists working together, left the other and walked up to Lanre.

“Lanre, this is very unlike you. What is the matter? Is everything okay with your family members? Are you in some crisis? How is Sade doing?” George asked Lanre.

Both of them were close friends. They lived in the same building given by the company but different apartments. George started working full time in the company same year as Lanre. The only difference was that while Lanre came in as a NYSC corps member, George got a fulltime position. They were both Christians and sometimes prayed together, so they had a lot in common. However, they’d not met to discuss serious issues or to even pray together in weeks due to the high demand recently placed on all workers in the company.

“Don’t worry, George. I got it” Lanre replied as he was wiping the spilled solution.

“I understand, Lanre. You know how we are to each other, you don’t have to bear the burden alone. We can both take it to our Burden Bearer, Jesus” George encouraged Lanre to open up as he tapped him on the shoulder, so they can both pray to God.

“Thank you, George. However, there isn’t much to say. I’ll let you know if there’s anything to discuss” Lanre responded, obviously not willing to open up to anyone, not even George.

“I’ll be here by God’s grace whenever you are willing to share, if you want to. Until then, cheer up, and know that all will be well”. George assured him and left to continue with his experiment

“Thanks bro.” Lanre smiled

AKOTIT Pharmaceuticals is privately owned by a renowned couple in Ibadan city. The wife, Titilayo Badmus was a pharmacist while the husband, Akolawole Badmus worked as a medical doctor in University of Ibadan Teaching Hospital. The pharmaceutical company was established by the duo about 20years ago and the name of the company was the combination of the first three letters of each of their first names. The company had expanded exponentially in the last 10years after the management decided to focus on annually sponsoring 50 young talented brains in the medical field. Most of which were the best, and have ended up giving back to the company by initiating new ideas and innovations which brought about cure to many deadly diseases. The company was globally known and had few branches in Europe and one in America.

Though, Lanre wasn’t on scholarship as an undergraduate, he showed a high level of intelligence during his one year NYSC service with them and was thereafter retained.

An hour later, he went to see the manager who was still at the meeting. He was able to meet with him 30minutes later.

“Lanre, you know we cannot afford to make a silly mistake, especially when we are dealing with human lives. We make medicines to make life better for those out there not to complicate issues for them. You need to bear that in mind, every time. ”

Lanre was sitting across Marcus in his office.

“I sincerely apologize sir. I was just stressed out and didn’t realize there was a spillage” Lanre clasped his hands together and genuinely apologized

“I knew something must have been wrong and that’s why I’m going to ask you to take a leave for about a week or two in order to clear your mind. You are one of our best, I need you to have a sound mind for optimal performance” Marcus suggested, not willing to take a chance

“That will not be necessary sir. I got it covered and I promise it won’t repeat itself again” Lanre reassured Marcus

“Ok, no problem. I came to the laboratory earlier to inform you that two interns will come in next week. I attached them to your unit. Put them through, one of them is benefitting from our scholarship scheme. Do you have any questions?”

“No sir. Perhaps, I may have questions when they arrive. But none for now. I’ll inform my colleagues in my unit so we can make adequate preparations” Lanre told the manager

“That will be great” Marcus showed his delight

“Hope the meeting with the board members went well”

“Yes, it did. I’ll discuss the outcome with everyone tomorrow morning”

“Ok sir. May I take my leave now?”

“Yes, please.”

As Lanre was approaching the door, Marcus called him

“Pharm Lanre, please do apply for leave if you need time to sort personal things”

“I’ll inform you when I want to take one sir. Thank you”

“See you later”

“Later sir”

Lanre left the office and went back to the laboratory. He finished the work for the day after a few hours and left for home.

THOUGHTS: Lanre’s lack of attention at work was a sign of a shattered mind. Is this attitude enough to bring a positive change in his relationship with Sade or will it worsen it?

 QUOTE: “Worry will not solve any problem, it only creates anxiety. Anxiety endangers both physical and spiritual wellbeing”

To be continued

AUTHOR: Temitope Ibidunni Akinloye

Inspired by the Holy Spirit.