Hidden Shackles 3

EPISODE 3 – Grave of Darkness: Unforgiveness

“Kemi, Kemi…come back here and apologize to your father. How dare you speak to him like that?” Kemi’s mother, Mrs Akinola called after her daughter who just stormed out of a room.

Mr and Mrs Akinola have been married for 25 years and they were blessed with 3 beautiful girls, out of which Kemi was their first child. She apparently just disrespected her father.

“Mummy, stop with the pretence. You should thank me because I just spoke out the hidden words in your mind” Kemi told her mother as she settled on a couch in the living room, without looking in her mother’s direction.

Mrs Akinola was short of words as she looked puzzled, she was definitely not expecting that kind of response from her quiet and respectful daughter. A lot of thoughts ran through her mind and she calmly sat beside her daughter.

“Spoke my mind? No, you are wrong. Kemi, is there anything I need to know? You have never been disrespectful to your father before, what happened? Did he abuse or harass you in any way?” Her mother whispered the last question

“Oh no mum, dad never did anything of such. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have spoken to him in such manner, no matter what. I was just irritated” Kemi calmly explained

“Irritated? At what or who?”

“At Dad. I hate it whenever he brings up that matter. That boy is not one of us and he can never be one of us.” she furiously responded to her mother with her teeth tightly clenched together
 Mrs Akinola shook her head showing that that wasn’t the first time Kemi would react that way about the boy.

“I’m surprised at you, Kemi. Why are you making this difficult for everyone? I should be the one acting like this, but I’m not” Mrs Akinola snarled

“Exactly my point, Mummy. Why are you pretending? Why can’t you fight and stand for what is rightfully yours?” Kemi sat up from her resting position as she spoke

Kemi’s mother knew exactly what the problem was.

“You don’t have to physically fight every battle, my dear. The bible says the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Sometimes, you just have to pray, lean back and watch God fight and win your battles” Her mother calmly responded

“Mum, I just can’t imagine that…”

“Kemi, for how long do you want to continue living like this? You are already becoming an adult. You have to let go. Remember Ephesians 4:31&32, we need to forgive one another as God forgave us all through Christ.” Mrs Akinola held her daughter’s hands

“But mum…”

Her mother interjected, “Kemi, before we talk further, please go in to your father and apologize.”

“But mum, I just said I’m sorry”

“Yes, but you’re apologizing to the wrong person. Go inside there, kneel and sincerely apologize to your father. I didn’t raise you to disrespect your elders, not to talk of your own father. He doesn’t deserve this kind of treatment from any of his children. I raised you better than this” Kemi’s mother said with a disappointing look.

With the last statement, Kemi felt bad for what she did.

“Mummy, will you go with me please?” Kemi said, showing remorse

“Go on, I’ll join you” She sat on a sofa in the living room

Kemi left the living room, knocked on her parents’ room, her father responded

“Come in, the door is not locked”

Kemi entered the room and knelt before her father

“Dad, I’m sorry. No matter what, I shouldn’t have spoken to you in that manner. You don’t deserve to be disrespected in such a way. I’m deeply sorry Dad” Kemi apologized, still on her knees

Her father was silent for about two minutes, probably processing his thoughts looking down at his feet as he sat on the edge of the bed. After a long silence, he finally spoke still looking down at his feet, maybe it was to hide his tears.

“Kemi, you are our first child, you know how much I love you and your siblings. I made some mistakes in the past, none of which I’m proud of. God’s mercy brought me home and I apologized to you all afterwards. I know I failed in my responsibilities to you as a father at some point when I was astray. I’m sorry. What else can I do to right my past wrongs?” Kemi’s father raised his head with the last question, facing Kemi

At this point, Kemi couldn’t look up at her father. She felt bad but at the same time justified.

“Dad, I’m sorry. It won’t repeat itself again” She dodged the question.

Kemi’s mother entered the room and also apologized to her husband.

“Darling, I’m so sorry she spoke to you in that manner. Please forgive her” Mrs Akinola begged her husband.

The doorbell rang, Kemi’s siblings were not around, because they went for their weekly choir rehearsal.

“Kemi, can you check who is at the door?”

“Yes, Mum”

Kemi stood up to check who was at the door. It was one of her father’s friends.

“Good evening sir”

“Kemi Kemo” he said jokingly
Kemi smiled as she offered him a seat

“Your father didn’t mention that you were around. How are you doing?” Mr Kolapo asked

“I’m fine sir. I just came in yesterday, just for the weekend sir” Kemi explained the reason his father might not have mentioned it

“I see. Don’t drain my friend’s pockets, my dear” he said jokingly

“I’ll try not to sir” They both laughed.

Where are your siblings and your mother?

“My siblings went to Church for choir practice and Mummy is inside”

Kemi offered him water.

“Let me get Daddy for you sir”

She came in to the bedroom to inform her parents.

“Dad, it’s Mr Kolapo”

“Oh, I almost forgot about the meeting we have with the building project committee this evening. I told him to pick me up on his way. I’m running behind schedule. Tell him to give me 5minutes, I’ll join him” Kemi’s father said as he stood up to dress for the meeting

“Ok, Dad” Kemi left the bedroom

“Do you need help choosing an attire for the meeting?” Mrs Akinola asked her husband

“No, it’s an informal meeting I got it covered” He said with a smile

His wife looked at him, “Darling, please don’t think about what happened today. Don’t let it weigh you down. Everything will be fine.” She reassured him

“I hope so, thanks dear. Come here.” He hugged his wife. It appeared he needed it more than the wife, as he held unto her tightly.

“Dress up quickly, darling. Let me go say hi to Mr. Kolapo” Mrs Akinola said as she dashed out of the room.

THOUGHTS: Can there be a situation where being rude to one’s parents can be justified? Do you think Kemi’s action was justified or not? What do you think?

QUOTE: “You don’t have to physically fight every battle, learn spiritual warfare

 To be continued

AUTHOR: Temitope Ibidunni Akinloye

Inspired by the Holy Spirit.