Hidden Shackles 2

EPISODE 2 – Hunting Past

Sade had various dreams that were meaningless and at the same time worrisome, all in fragments. She ignored them since she couldn’t make any sense out of them. Kemi and Sade lived in the school hostel and being in their final year, the university provided many final year students an accommodation to be shared with a roommate. Kemi and Sade were fortunate to get this type of room, some others got rooms they had to share with 3 or 5 students. Kemi was an economics student, studious and highly devoted to God’s service. Sade and Kemi attended different student fellowships on campus.

 It was Sunday, Kemi’s church service usually starts 6:30am with workers’ meeting, so she left early before Sade woke up.

Sade woke up, yawning…she called out for Kemi.

“Kemi! Kemi!! Are you in the bathroom? “

 Sade stood up to check the bathroom, Kemi wasn’t there.

“Oh! She has left for Church, her bed is already well laid”, she hissed!

 Sade was angry at her for leaving without discussing the pending matter with her. Fortunately, both of them do cook in a pot and eat Sunday meals together, it was like a tradition for them. So, no meetings or appointments fixed on Sunday evenings for both of them.

Sade got back from Church before Kemi, she had a headache so she couldn’t wait for any meeting after the service. Kemi entered few minutes later, greeted Sade and prayed. Kemi didn’t expect what was coming.

 “Why is it that you like putting someone in an unnecessary suspense and panic mood whenever you have a matter to discuss? Why did you tell me you had an important matter to discuss with me when you were not ready? It’ll be great if you could be more considerate of others. Always inform me of any issue when you are ready to discuss it, not in advance, it makes me agitate. I could barely concentrate in Church today, just because of “this important matter”. So, what is it “Sade frankly expressed her mind to Kemi.

 “Oh…my sister I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to get you worried at all. I informed you yesterday so that I don’t forget to discuss it with you this weekend since weekends are always busy for us. Mabinu (Don’t be annoyed, in Yoruba), my darling. Let’s eat first and afterwards…” Kemi had suggested

 “Kemi, I’m already cooking jollof rice and we have soft drinks in the fridge. Come on, let’s cut to the chase, the rice is boiling.” Sade interjected, not ready to wait anymore

 Kemi started blushing…”Actually, there are two issues to discuss, one is good news and the other…is also good in a way, but it will depend on our discussion”. Sade’s heart skipped, with the last statement.

“The good news first”, Sade responded calmly, as they both sat facing each other

“I finally passed my ICAN (Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria) examination after two trials, it was really an excellent result” Kemi announced delightedly.

Even though Kemi was studying economics, accounting had always been her passion but unfortunately, university of Ibadan doesn’t offer accounting, as a study course.

“Wow! I’m so happy for you. You know I kept on telling you that you were going to do so well in the last examination. God really crowned your effort. Congratulations Kemi”

Sade could not wait for her to mention the other part she thought had to do with her and Lanre. She didn’t know how that will make her feel.

“Now, to the other one…my mum called last night and told me about Samuel, the guy I met during my second ICAN examination”

Sade nodded in affirmation…

“Remember I told my mum to pray along with me since I wanted confirmation from her too before I respond to Samuel’s proposal. She confirmed my revelation and she even received a word for us from the Lord”

“Wow! That’s awesome. What did she say?” Sade eagerly asked

“She gave me two passages, Psalm 92:13, 14 and Hebrews 13:4.”

Sade picked her Bible to read out Psalm 92:13, 14

 “…planted in the house of the Lord,

  they will flourish in the courts of our God.

 They will still bear fruit in old age,

  they will stay fresh and green,”

“Kemi, this is a strong confirmation” Sade said smiling

 “I know, but Hebrews 13:4 has actually been ringing more in my heart since yesterday, Hebrews 13:4 (“Marriage is to be held in honour among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge.”). Apart from the part where it’s emphasizing God’s mind about chastity, which I am praying and trusting God to strengthen us in, the word ‘marriage’ there is really making me worried and scared.”

Sade, being relieved in a way (since it was not about her relationship with Lanre), cut in… “But why are you scared? You’ve always been dreaming and talking of having an ideal and perfect home where you will be in charge, especially of your pots of soup”

Both of them laughed…

“Of course, you are right, which is part of why I mentioned earlier that our discussion will define whether this is a good or not an entirely good news.” Kemi continued… “I also had a dream after the just concluded fasting and prayers where I saw Samuel and I holding hands, wearing white clothes and moving in the same direction with so much joy and laughter.”

“Then what is the problem here, Kemi?” Sade asked, not sure of what the point of confusion was, since it was crystal clear they were both meant for each other.

 “But, hold on Sade. You were very anxious when I said I wanted to discuss something last night and when I came back from Church, you appeared very angry, for some reason. Is there anything you want to talk about?” Kemi asked, with high curiosity

Sade was hesitant to respond and when she could find her voice, she finally said, “N…n…not really. I was just curious to know what you wanted to discuss”

“Really, that’s strange” Kemi was dragging this issue and Sade realized she had to put an end to it

“Kemi, we can talk about mine later. Wait! Is this a way to shift our attention from what we were discussing before? I asked you a question, remember?”

“Ah…ok. I give up” Kemi finally let go and stood up to attend to something else.

Sade held her hand and stopped her, “Please, answer the question I asked earlier, Kemi. What exactly is the problem?”

She paused in her steps and looked at Sade straight in the eyes

“Sade, what if Samuel is not who he claims to be? What if he changes after our wedding? What if Samuel is like my Dad?”

“Hmmm!” Sade exclaimed, uncertain of what to say…

THOUGHTS: What was there to know about Kemi’s dad? Was he an irresponsible, abusive or strict father? Why was Kemi scared of Samuel being like her dad?

 QUOTE: “One man’s wrong step can deter generations to come”

To be continued

AUTHOR: Temitope Ibidunni Akinloye

Inspired by the Holy Spirit.